During the Christmas break, I redesigned the small scale version Kre-O Optimus Prime. It had been sitting inside the box for years. Recently, I got a new parts from Lego store and it jump-started my new design. It looked like engine exhaust pipe which was the best fit for this long lost project. Usually, Optimus Prime was drawn with a heavy blue legs in 90% of designs. What about a streamline one? Let's try it.
*Please don't ask if I have instruction of this. I started with drawings on paper and then I built it right a way.
It was actually like this back in the old days... See old post here!

I grew up with Japanese robot cartoons like Gundam. Although the Gundam design changed since Z Gundam which had big legs and heavy backpacks. Gundam RX-78-2 was still my Number 1 Gundam. One day I saw "G40 Gundam" in Facebook. Many people said it was ugly but I thought it wasn't a bad idea to redesign something classic.
I redesigned the legs like knight's armor with exhaust pipes

Here is the scale with the large scale version. You can see the old post from here!

The joints movement of the new version was even better than the large scale version!