Thursday, April 19, 2018

LEGO Star Wars: Kessel Run Millennium Falcon (75212)

Han Solo: A Star Wars Story is coming. Lego's Kessel Run Millennium Falcon (75212) (I will call it Solo version) is now on shelf. In Canada, it is $199.99 which is $20 more expensive than The Force Awakens version (TFA version). The main difference is the extra escape pod (maybe something like Rebel Series' The Phantom attaching to The Ghost). Other than the white color, Solo version is almost 95% the same as TFA version in the structure. The cockpit position issue (too close to the front), the two front triangles' angle/size issue, lots of gaps between sectors, unfinished side docks, etc are not fixed. The white color makes the dark gaps more visible than TFA version (Mine is patched).

However, it is fun to modify as the older ones. I think Solo version Falcon will be another long project to play with.