Monday, May 21, 2018

Removing Stud Shooters on TIE Fighters

All recent Lego TIE Fighters' front cannons are build like the same way... two stud shooters. If you follow this blog, you should know I don't like shooters. I remove them at once or wait until I have time. You may keep it in red or make it more like in movies.. grey color.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Before LEGO Star Wars X-Wing (75218) Arrives

Lego is going to have a new X-Wing in Minifigure scale soon this year (The last photo of this post). Before I can see the actual set on shelf, I want to take a look at the previous one in my storage. The old one originally has a bad cockpit window then I change it into a shape closer to the cinematic model. The 4 engines are using stickers originally and I change them into more 3D.

From the photo of 75128 box, I can see the engines are built like what U-Wing set does. The surface of the wings are covered by tiles to make them smooth. Cockpit window uses the one from The Force Awakens version X-Wing. It also comes with the "play feature" shooter (The thing that I don't like.. will take away at once). Let's see what it looks like later :-)

*Update: Lego officially released the photos of the set right one day

You can see the actual thing from this link


Sunday, May 13, 2018

LEGO Star Wars: The Phantom II (75170) Modification

I missed The Phantom I's release and I didn't buy The Ghost too. Totally regret that :-(

This Phantom II is well made from Lego although it smaller than it should be. It's not as wide as original design. So, I add some width to the front and "neck" part. Nothing complicated.


Lego Marvel Super Heroes: The Hulkbuster Smash-Up (76104) - Modification 2

A lot of people messaged me about how I did the mod. I don't have time to do make the instruction but I can show you some close ups. Take your Hulkbuster 76104 out and compare with my model, then you will know how easy to DIY. Basically, I just rearranged the bricks in this mod.

1) I shortened the body by one stud. The golden part was taken out

2) The legs were in one piece at L-Shape before. You can just take them apart into two parts. I use two small joints in one leg but there is a better way to do it... I will come back to work on it when I have time.

3) The most important thing is the upper body width. I extended each side by one stud. I also replace the original black arm armor with deep red one.

If you have question, please let me know. I will try to check the comments more often now.

LEGO Star Wars: The Recent Imperial TIE Fighter models

I can't wait to get the TIE Bomber in Summer 2018. I guess we have to use the recent TIE Fighter to modify as TIE Interceptor.

P.S. I forgot to put the TIE Striker together. Maybe next time.