If you are curious about LEPIN (the fake LEGO) like me, this blog post is absolutely for you. Let's jump to conclusion first (I like to write reviews like this). If you get it for filling gaps and rare missing parts for your own project, it should be ok if not affecting the structure. If you get it for your kids, you must stay away from it. Why? It doesn't come with numbered bags. I bet modern kids will be very frustrated to build something close to 800 pcs without numbered bags.

The only thing that help you to find the parts is each bag has logically similar bricks inside. You must use 3 to 4 trays to separate them before put them together. It's zero problem to adults but not kids.The instruction menu is about the same size but it condenses about 1.5 page (original) on 1 page. No different from the original but it doesn't come with the part pages at the end. Reason? LOL... It has missing parts!

I agree on everything you say in your article: I bought a Millennium Falcon from Lepin for my 7 year old son. It took us a week to put it together for a couple of hours a day, we had very nice moments, it was very nice and my son plays with it. True, some moving parts are not supported, but anyway would never have been able to buy the LEGO Millennium Falcon. All those moments would not have happened. My son understands the difference between LEGO and Lepin, and he knows that when I can buy him a lego set, I will, but in the meantime, he appreciates what he has because it is what his dad can buy.
ReplyDeleteI strongly disagree with most of you said.
ReplyDeleteI think people should really buy Lepin and stop the obsession with lego.
yes, i love lego, still the best thing that i child can own, but, its price.
Lepin is MUCH more acessible for kids and kids DESERVES to have this kind of toy!
You took your conclusions with a single Lepin set? There are a LOT of Lepin sets, lepin AT-AT is even ebtter than the lego one.